Tuesday, May 05, 2020

MBA 2020 - Waiting

Most of the time, I write my blog using my desktop at my office. Di sanalah selalunya idea saya berkembang. Maklumlah tempat akademik, kadangkala duduk sahaja pun boleh melahirkan pelbagai idea.

But during this Movement Control Order (MCO) period, I found myself lockout from my office and spending more time at home doing my work. Yes, most of us are in work from home (WFH) mode. Luckily I brought back my MBA 11. 

This MBA 11 of mine was bought in October 19th, 2014. You can find the post here. Well, basically I forgot whether mine was using i5 intel or i3. Then when I look at the post and also at my own MBA system information, I found out that it was actually an i5 1.3ghz with 4gb Ram plus a 128 gb SSD storage hardisk.

It was a mid 2013 model. Masa saya beli I managed to got it for below RM 3k at Machines. I was so naive to Apple Macs those days (even sekarang pun masih agak naive). Sebab tu harganya murah sebab ia stok lama. Masa tu MBA 2014 tengah hot selling for almost 4k. Through all the years using it, I had upgrade the OS several times. And some of it do slowed my Mac a bit, while some it do speed up my Mac a bit. 

To be honest, I did not use it a lot as I prefer using my desktop. Only several times where I need to do work away from my office. Furthermore, I was using only Mac related products for my work, rather than Microsoft Office which was being used by almost all of my colleagues and students. Even though the files were compatible with each other, but it always has minor issues such as formatting and so on. In the end I found out that I was using the Mac mainly for receiving student's assignment via their usb disk. No virus was ever transmitted to my Mac because it can't read Windows-based virus. 

The other thing my MBA served me for is to do presentations. I even bought the VGA adapter for almost RM2xx i think. That leaves me with a battery cycle of around 70 per 1000 ( at the time of this post). It really shows that I rarely use my MBA. The battery was as almost as new. 

So today, it was almost 5 years and 7 months using my MBA and for the past 2 months it was my saviour. Almost every single work is done through this. I even manage setting up my printer to be use with my MBA. As I am getting older, I began to feel my MBA's 11 inch screen is getting smaller. I decided to find a bigger screen. At first I wanna get back to Windows-based laptop. But the experience using Mac is marvellous. My MBA walaupun dah 5 tahun lebih tapi tak pernah rasa ketinggalan dari segi teknologi. Masih steady suppport my kind of work. Seolah-olah tidak pernah ditelan teknologi. The speed was still fast.

So I needed to decide. Stick to this one for a year or two or grab a new one now and sell this one before the price deteriorate further. Already my MBA has the worth of RM1.5k at least. And giving that Apple does not produce anymore 11inch may increase the price a bit. 

Weeks of research had produce its result. Saya ambil keputusan for a new MBA. So bila browse internet, I saw reviews of the new Macbook Air 2020. Katanya keyboard terbaik, guna pula retina display. Dan yang penting, ia mencapai segala yang saya nak which is skrin lebih besar (13 inci), storage lebih besar which is 256gb SSD and RAM lebih besar which is 8. I took the base model of i3 intel processor, which some of you may think it is a downgrade. But this is the 10th Generation i3 which is miles faster than my mid 2013 MBA i5. 

So, mana nak beli time-time MCO ni. Browse online dan all Apple reseller ada offer delivery such as Switch, Machines, Seng Heng, Harvey Norman and few others. The price was almost 4.4k. I remember seeing at Apple Store online that they had this wonderful offer for educational staffs. So I pointed my browser to the site. Here I was in the Apple Store Education Shop area, and I found myself having almost RM 400 discount. It makes the new MBA 2020 less than 4k. This is so tempting. The drawback is I need to purchase it online. Morever it will be shipped from it's warehouse located at Singapore. Both Singapore and Malaysia are having the Covid 19 pandemic, I am afraid that delivery will take forever. 

So, saya pun browse sikit cari maklumat. Unbelievable it is to find that most users had wonderful experience using the site. Few user had also said that the shipping during MCO was way faster than expected. So I decided to order one late Saturday 2nd May. Guess what, they informed me yesterday that I will receive it tommorow which came as a big surprise to me. I never expected it to be so soon. I had ordered some accessories from oversea as I thought it will come much earlier than my new MBA 2020. 

So as I write this post today, I may be less than 48 hours to receive my new MBA. If all went well, I will be busy installing new softwares on my new Mac. As for this MBA 11 inch, mula-mula nak jual tapi rasa sayang pula. My wife lepas post MCO ni akan kena buat macam-macam kerja untuk. So I decided untuk bagi pada dia. 

Hope the shipment will arrive as told. I heard that it does not arrive in Malaysia by sea but by air.

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