Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Life After The Viva

Hampir terlupa kewujudan nizamyunus.com sehinggalah rakan sekerja bertanya pada saya, 'Bro, How's life after Viva?'

So I would like to share it to all of you. Firstly, I did not take long to rest after the Viva. I was given 6 months maximum for correction, which means that it had to be done completely including submitting hardcover bound thesis within 6 months, which in my case, will end in February 2020. But for me to attend the convocation in April 2020, which happened to be my birthday month, I need to submit my thesis much earlier. 

My Viva Day was on a hazeless Thursday and I started to work on my correction the following Monday. As I post this entry, I am proud to say that I had finished my correction given by my examiners especially my international examiners who told me to look into the digitization aspect of preserving records. 

I just need to do some typo correction and few technical glitches. Am I free now? Not to say No but also not a big Yes. Still got lotsa work to do but on the PhD part, yeah I am nearing the finishing line. 

So this is my life after Viva, still busy with work, need to settle the final examination matters and also class. And I am writing this as I listen to the song 'Send Me An Angel' by Scorpions while enjoying the almost clear blue sky again since the HAZE attack.


Sunday, September 01, 2019

Impak Media Sosial

Dibawah merupakan strategi untuk mengurangkan ketagihan media sosial nukilan Bahagian Kaunseling UiTM. Boleh klik gambar untuk melihat imej yang lebih besar.

Tidak dinafikan bahawa media sosial mempunyai pro's and con's tersendiri. Saya sendiri ada pelbagai media sosial seperti Facebook, Twitter dan Instagram. Pernah juga mempunyai Bigo tapi in the end saya uninstall sebab tak nampak kepentingannya. 

Insta sebab saya suka upload gambar dan juga melihat gambar. Kadang-kadang tengok insta seller serta selebriti. Namun yang paling best ialah tengok insta seperti National Geographic, BBC atau Earth Pictures. Seronok tengok gambar-gambar pemandangan dari seluruh dunia. Ramai juga rakan sebaya saya yang tiada insta. Anak saya yang masih sekolah rendah ada insta. Kadangkala apabila saya kerja luar dan anak saya di rumah, saya communicate dengan dia menggunakan DM Insta. Saya memang limitkan anak-anak saya guna internet di rumah sahaja menggunakan Unifi. No mobile internet yet for them.

Twitter saya lebih banyak guna untuk melihat current news or situation. Saya follow twitter news agency or their journalist. It's much more faster to receive the latest news from twitter rather than online portal. And for sure, I receive a much faster traffic update selain dari Waze.

Facebook merupakan social platform rakan-rakan seumur saya. Using FB, I managed to find lotsa old friends. Saya juga berhubung dengan my ex students through FB. Some overseas friends when I was studying at Leicester pun ada dalam FB friendlist saya. Always manage to follow their life journey. At least I know they are happy enjoying life. 

But ada juga yang saya kureng sikit pasal all 3 ni. Insta saya tak suka sebab kadang-kadang gambar manusia dalam tu fake and berpura-pura untuk tarik likes and followers. Twitter pula agak merbahaya kalau kita terlalu 100% percaya content di dalamnya. Especially kalau melibatkan personal account. Kalau news agency masih boleh dipercayai. Kadang-kadang some twitter user ni suka create cerita sendiri yang tak betul hujung pangkal. And to some, once keluar di Twitter, it's always true.

FB pula annoying kalau asyik tengok status orang berunsur negatif atau marah-marah orang. Some suka cerita buruk baik pasangan dalam FB. Ironinya user-user yang ada dalam friend list saya yang jenis macam ni, in real life semua nampak baik, sopan dan lemah lembut. Tapi dalam FB perangai mengalahkan watak antagonis paling dibenci dalam drama melayu. 

As been penned earlier, social media has its own pro and cons. It is advisable to see more of the pros rather than cons. But when the cons are much bigger than the pros, than we need a good set of skills to navigate through the cons until we reach the pros. Without this skills, one can easily get lost in the thick forest of cons.